Forever Lovers Read online

Page 7

  The calendars were sold nationwide on a website that connected with the entire USA, but the Kansas calendar was by far the most popular. Lily became the pinup girl that year for soldiers on every base. She was the Betty Gable of the twenty-first century.

  That same fall, Melvin from Kansas, sent his Navel brother SEAL, Jack, a calendar from home. Eat your heart out brother, he wrote. Look what you’re missing. Ha, ha. Better hurry home before they’re all taken.

  Jack was in the barracks on Cordovan Island, California that he shared with other members of his SEAL team, going through letters from home like his other buddies since mail call a few minutes earlier. No one got much mail any more since the invention of the cell, Skype, and smart phones. So, others took noticed when someone did. Jack had just opened the manila envelope from his brother and was pleased with the small token his brother had sent to remind him of home. As he began to flip through it, it wasn’t long before his buddies realized what he was looking at and began to gather around. Quinn was among the crowd.

  Well, hell! Quinn thought, when he peeked over Jack’s shoulder and saw Lily on the cover of the Kansas calendar with her butt cheeks hanging out. And that was before he notice the wet blouse that molded to her tits like glue, showing off her pinpointed nipples of raw sex appeal begging to be touched. It didn’t help that his buddies were all hovering and making inappropriate comments about his Lily’s anatomy. Quinn gritted his teeth muttering with impatience, “Let’s see the rest of the calendar.”

  By evening, one of the SEALS had located a store in the area with enough Kansas calendars for every one of his buddies. Much to Quinn’s chagrin, his fellow SEAL mate bought them all and started passing them out like candy, no one was left out.

  As time went on, Quinn became irritable with the thought of Lily being fondled by his entire SEAL unit and that irritation began to fester. So, after a few months passed, the calendars began to vanish; especially, as it became closer to the end of the summer when all the calendars would be turned to the eighth month of the year, Miss Bombshell August. When the other Seals began to complain about their calendars disappearing, Quinn’s only sarcastic response was, “Maybe someone’s using them to wallpaper their bathroom.”


  It was late fall and the honky tonk bar in Cheyenne, Wyoming was booming with country music. Texas line dancing, and cheers from the mechanical bull in the corner were part of the entertainment. It was the weekend of The Cheyenne Rodeo – the brother of all rodeos worldwide. It was a gathering place for locals and rodeo participates to relax with a beer after a day of bronco riding, bull riding, and barrel racing. It was a place for the star studs from the day of riding to unwind. They were the prime beef of the prized bulls that they rode during the day. All of them were hoping to get laid for the night. The local gals were only too happy to oblige.

  Tyler Voltage, like his name, thought of himself as a bolt of lightning when he rode the bulls and the ladies. He called himself “Stud” whenever he looked at his own reflection in the mirror. Why wouldn’t he think he was the greatest – he had velvet brown hair with a sexy body, sexy dimples, and sexy charm? He was hard to resist and he knew it. The ladies knew it, too, and they were always lined up hoping they would be picked to join his bed for the evening. Lily wasn’t any more immune from his raw sex appeal than the rest of the crowd, just a lot more cautious.

  Lily wasn’t a gang banger following the rodeo circuit nor did she have any desire to be, but she did enjoy male companionship. As she matured, she knew she wanted more. Tyler might just be the guy for the job, she thought. She knew he was interested. She knew most of the guys riding the circuit were interested. That was not a new thing. After all, she’d been barrel racing, whenever time allowed for well over four years. She was also smart enough to know half the interest from the guys, came from them wanting to be the first to put her notch on their bedpost. It would be a big coup for the winner like when they won the big money purse at the end of the day. That’s the part that rankle her and kept her out of their beds for all these eons, not that she hadn’t been tempted on more than one occasion.

  Lily watched Tyler approached her for a slow western dance. This time, she really looked at him and was beginning to think, why not? She was well acquainted with him. She even knew the line that was coming. That part never failed to amuse her.

  “Hey, beautiful, miss me?”

  You’d think he could come up with something a little more original, but then again she wasn’t interested in him for his brain. It’s just that it sure would help.

  “You know I did, Tyler,” she smiled seductively up at him like she was supposed to do, but couldn’t quite get herself to whimper.

  Tyler gave her a big toothy grin, which she assumed was to show off his sparkling white teeth and cute little dimples that he had down pat. He was successful.

  Tyler grabbed her around the waist with both arms as she put hers around his neck for the western dance around the floor. He smelled good – just another little aphrodisiac to charm the senses of the opposite sex. She suspected he bathed in it.

  Tyler didn’t hesitate to immediately paste his body to hers. “Hmm, feel what you do to me,” he said as Lily felt the beginnings of his hard on.

  Seems she’d heard that line a few times. The first time was when she was with Quinn. The line always annoyed her when other guys said it as it never ceased to remind her of him when she was supposed to be thinking of the partner she was with at the present time. It was like a bottle of cold gator aid being poured on top of her head. She often wondered if that was why Quinn had said it to her that first time on the beach among the rock formations. In retrospect, it was like he knew it probably wouldn’t be the last time she’d hear it. The disgusting part was that there was one word difference between how Quinn phrased it and the way it was said by other male members of the population. But, that one word was monumental.

  Quinn had said, “Feel what you do to me, Lily.” No one else ever said it that way to her.

  It was always, “Feel what you do to me.”

  The way Quinn phrased it was definitely worth an evaluation. Drat him, anyway!

  Lily burrowed her head under Tyler’s chin hoping to forget about Quinn and how he made her feel. Tyler chucked, thinking that she was just a little embarrassed about his comment. He liked that. It’s just that he couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

  Encouraged, Tyler tried to nestle in a little closer. Lily didn’t think that was possible, but he seemed to manage, probably due to a lot of practice. Lily kept trying to feel the thrill that she felt with Quinn. Instead, he just felt like a hard body, a nice one, but none the less nothing too special.

  Tyler on the other hand really didn’t care if Lily felt special or not. That was not what this was about, it was about a good time and a good lay for the night with a feminine body to enjoy. He just assumed that all women were on the make and felt the same – not that it mattered to him.

  “Come back to my place tonight,” Tyler whispered in her ear. You know I’ve always had this thing for you.”

  And that thing would be your pecker? Lily thought ungraciously.

  “I’ll make it really good sex.”

  For you or for me? Lily was waiting for you’re the only one for me, crap.

  “Just say yes. Please, Lily.”

  Wait for it – wait for it.

  “You know you’re the only one for me.”

  There it was. If nothing else, he was predictable.

  “OK,” Lily said surprising both of them.

  “OK?” a surprised Tyler pulled back and echoed.

  “OK, I’ll think about it.”

  “So, when will I know?”

  “I’ll surprise you.”

  Tyler grinned, “I’ll be waiting in the Cheyenne Hotel, Room 221, at eleven o’clock sharp. Use the key above the ledge.”

  Lily laughed.

  Tyler watched Lily disappear into the crowd thinking that he migh
t just get a piece of that cute little ass in the near future. He just assumed it wouldn’t be tonight.


  After Lily left Tyler, she danced around the floor with a few other partners before she decided to call it a night. She went back to her Cheyenne Hotel room on the third floor. She tossed around Tyler’s offer. She was curious. Whose bed might she be more interested in joining to satisfy her curiosity than his. She ignored the voice that chimed in – Quinn’s?

  Being in “Pre/Vet” certainly didn’t give Lily any preconceived notions on how sex was performed, which didn’t include a few porn flicks at the sorority house on Friday nights. Guys get off on those kind of movies. Women think they are partially hilarious and partially gross. It was like Comedy Night Central with her girlfriends eating popcorn whenever they watched one. Just another big difference between men and women and how they view things. Women think the scripts are really retarded not including the stupid acting among other things – men never notice the other things nor do they care.

  Lily knew Tyler was interested. He wasn’t into subtle. So, at eleven o’clock sharp, Lily let herself into his bedroom to surprise him. Boy, did she surprise him! She didn’t have any illusions about Tyler. She knew he was a womanizer and that was the fortunate part.

  Lily entered quietly into Tyler’s room, trying not to think of Quinn. After all, he wasn’t a virgin, was he?! Her attention was immediately diverted to the activity on the white sheets before her. “Tyler?” she whispered.

  “What the hell.” The night light immediately flipped on. There Tyler was in all his glory banging the Cheyenne rodeo queen.

  For whatever reason, Lily started to laugh, probably because she was sort of relieved.

  “Hi, Sally,” she giggled as she turned around and headed for the door that she had just previously entered.

  “Wait, I can explain,” Tyler came hopping after her holding a pillow in front of himself.

  “You can???” Lily said as she looked him up and down with raised eyebrows before she really started to laugh. As she left, she shut the door behind her.

  If Lily didn’t know it before, she knew it now. A good pecker doesn’t necessarily equal a good man. Just something for her to keep in mind.


  Lily graduated early from Veterinarian School with honors from Kansas State University. She was twenty-three. She was now a young doctor ready to setup an office in Manhattan, Kansas. As she began to build her practice, she worked at the nearby research hospital for animals both domestic and wild. Her biggest clients were the wounded warriors from Fort Riley that had been discharged from the military due to injuries – the service dogs. Her job was to patch them up and try to give them the same advantages as their human counterparts. What made her successful was that she often healed their spirit as well. That was the main reason she chose to stay in this small Kansas town of Manhattan, known as the Small Apple.

  Manhattan suited Lily at this time in her life with the big old shade trees and the wide streets that were rarely congested unless it happened to be after a football or basketball game. It was small town USA just like one of Norman Rockwell’s paintings, but because of the university, there was always added excitement. This year had been particular exciting as Kansas State had won the trifecta in the Big Eight. They got the trophy for first place in basketball, football, and baseball – a feat that rarely happens at any university in one season. It was exhilarating to be part of the festivities. That was always the way it was during the school year – fun.

  Lily figured she’d eventually marry a professor and live in a modest house in an old majestic part of town in a neighborhood with a couple of children. She would have 2.5 kids and a dog like the rest of the nation. It would be a life like “Happy Days”– happy.


  Yesterday, Jade had called Lily. She had just gotten engaged to a Stanford boy who was an attorney like herself. They had met at college. She wanted to share the exciting news with Lily.

  “Oh, Lily, I can’t wait for you to meet him. He is so dreamy. Even Dad and Quinn like him. The wedding is going to be this spring. I want you to be one of my bridesmaids. Oh please say you will, please, please!” Jade pleaded.

  “Of course I will, Jade. You know I wouldn’t miss it for anything! Congratulations. Call me when you know all the details.”

  “OK, mark the date for the first of May. Plan on a bachelorette party in San Diego the middle of April. The wedding will be on Paradise Island in the Caribbean. I’ll give you more details later. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Lily said as she hung up, happy for her friend.

  After Lily disconnected, she realized that a commitment to Jade also meant she’d be seeing her big brother, Quinn. Her stomach immediately began to churn. She let her imagination take off at a leap and a gallop as she wonder how he’d act around her after the way things had ended that terrible last night together at the twin’s birthday party.

  Would Quinn totally ignore her by pretending she didn’t exist like he did when she was young girl? Lily wondered as she nibbled on her lower lip. She hadn’t heard anything about someone special in his life from Jade or Jasmine, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t bring someone to the wedding – a special someone. The rat, he’d better not! What a depressing thought, but she wouldn’t put it past him. Lily tried not to think about it, but her memories betrayed her and became entangled in her thoughts of the past like a web that just kept on weaving as it followed the thread that led directly back to Quinn every time like it had been cut and short circuited.

  How long had it been since that awful night on New Year’s Eve? Four years? Had Quinn changed? Was he fat or bald? It would be helpful. She doubted both as he was still a SEAL and his father still had all his hair. Had she changed? Was she different? She certainly wasn’t that nave little girl of sixteen, but neither did she want to be. She sat up and straightened her shoulders. The difference between then and now was that she knew how to be a woman – a seductive woman. So just you watch out, Mr. Quinn, I’m ready for you now! You don’t begin to have a chance. Ha!


  Jade’s wedding took place on Paradise Island in the Caribbean where history was rich and the sea was so clear that it looked like swimming pool water – so translucent that you could see the bottom and watch the colorful fish that nibbled among the ocean floor formations. The white sands of the bay was like a backdrop that set off things picture perfect with the cruising boats, billowing para sailing, and skimming windsurfing as the fish of many colors circled lazily around the activities.

  Today, a private luxury cruiser held the small wedding party of fifty sailing in the Caribbean. It was evening and the sun was just beginning to set, signifying the end of the day, but for the couple getting married abroad, it signified a bright new beginning of their lives.

  The cruiser was covered in island flowers of all colors making it smell and look like a floating garden and an extension of Paradise from where they had just sailed. The bride wore a long gauzy wrap around that clung to her curves and blew softly in the breeze with an arm full of the same exotic flowers that covered the boat. She was surrounded by Jasmine and Lily on one side who wore gauzy short strapless sundresses in pale lavender and dusty rose pink. The groom with his brother and Quinn in their tuxes were on the other side.

  The ceremony was short with island drums playing softly in the background adding their melody to the soft breeze of romantic atmosphere. The celebration began immediately after the vows with food and drink until very late; although, the boat docked much earlier. The newlyweds went to their luxury suite on the second level of the cruiser after eating, toasting, and hugging all the guests. Everyone else departed as they felt like it.

  There wasn’t a huge space abroad the wedding cruiser for avoiding anyone that you cared not to converse, which made it easy for Quinn to corner Lily as she stood looking out at the last rays of the setting sun before it disappeared into the dark blue
ocean. He watched Lily’s hair glow with fascination when the setting sun rays caught the strands of red and gold. He imagined that he could smell her hair of strawberries clear across the deck when she lifted her mahogany locks off her neck so that the cooling breeze could sooth and tickle her smooth creamy shoulders.

  Lily had been standing at the railing for almost fifteen minutes with Quinn watching her and absorbing every detail before he went over to join her. He had been leaning against the opposite railing several feet away talking with the groom’s brother enjoying the view as Lily’s skirt would lift every so often with the ocean breeze revealing a lacy pink thong to match her bridesmaid dress and a tan shapely butt. It wasn’t until he realized that the groom’s brother was enjoying the fabulous spectacle as well, did he excuse himself to stand behind her so that she did not become the sole entertainment for the other groomsman of the evening, also.

  Lily knew the minute that Quinn came up behind her even before he spoke. His presence had been anticipated.

  “Dad paid for the sunset as well,” Quinn commented hoping to coax a smile from Lily’s lips, which he was successful.

  Quinn took a moment to inhale Lily’s strawberry essence before he spoke again. He looked up at the sky with the evening star, Venue, named after the goddess of love twinkling brightly just as the sun left the horizon as it became the first to shine on the Caribbean night.

  “I remember another evening like this a few years ago. It was a night that held such promise.”

  Lily said nothing as her memories took her back to that night on New Year’s Eve as well, which was the last time she had seen Quinn. She shivered a little as things were cooling with the setting sun and the ocean breeze that changed temperatures. She began to rub her arms up and down.