Forever Lovers Read online

Page 5

  Mom Swan diverted Dad Troy’s attention from his baby girls as well by slipping her arms around his neck and snuggling her body into his as she whispered with a smile, “It’s OK, Sweetheart. They’re twenty-one now and legally are no longer your responsibilities. They have good heads on their shoulders, let them fly.”

  Troy smiled back, “You’re right, that’s why I love you so much.” He wasn’t so sure he was ready for his twins to fly even if they were, but isn’t that always the way with fathers and daughters? Leaning down amidst the blowing horns and raining confetti, he gave Swan a New Year’s Eve kiss that promised their own private party much later.


  Quinn had Lily pressed up against the nearest pillar with her fingers laced in his as he held them above her head by the time the band started playing Auld Lang Syne. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered before he pressed his starving body and lips against hers, giving her no choice, but to follow his lead as they brought in the New Year, oblivious to the noisy of the surrounding party.

  Lily kissed Quinn back, but not with quite the enthusiasm she had at sixteen. A surprised Quinn drew back searching her face for a moment, “You’re pissed?”

  Quinn was clueless – of course he was, but good for him, he figured something had made her angry. Guys always think they can pick right up from where they left off like three years hadn’t passed in the meantime, like they’d written and called every day during that time – wrong! They think the woman is supposed to fall in their arms like a starving idiot just because they’re horny and they think surely she must be, also. Even if it were true, a woman never caves – just a tip from The Book of Romance 101.

  “You haven’t written or called since before I graduated from high school. Now, you think I’m supposed to be grateful and swoon like I’m starved for your body?” Lily exclaimed incredulously with snapping big round blue eyes that questioned with fire and spirit!

  “Are you?” Quinn raised his eyebrows trying to add some humor to the situation – not funny.

  By this time, Lily was fuming and the last comment had her lashing out with her lethal little foot in the black ankle strap that he had been admiring earlier. She missed her mark only because her silky gown restricted her. He put on a poker face and restrain himself from laughing when she missed and he heard the gown rip a little.

  “You Baboon!”

  Quinn stepped back and folded his arms over his chest with eyebrows raised again, “Baboon? I’m a baboon?”

  “Oh, just go away! I’ve managed just fine without you in my life for the past three years!” Lily clipped as she turned her back and began to stomp off holding her gown a little higher so she could take bigger and faster strides away from him. It was a nice look from his point of view.

  However, “The stomp off” galvanized Quinn into action. There was no way in hell that Lily was getting away for this New Year’s Evening even if he had to throw her over his shoulder like Tarzan. He was taking no chances of letting her out of his sight.

  Quinn grabbed Lily’s hand and held tightly as he dragged her in the direction of the veranda, determined to get a few things settled. Lily, trying to bring things to a screeching halt and under her control grabbed the nearest chair, which slowed things down – not. So then, she grabbed the nearest fern, which promptly fell over, dirt and all. When they got to the second fern, Quinn decided it was time for more drastic action on his part and acted on his first thought by throwing her over his shoulder. He proceeded through the double doors of the veranda out to the private beach of the stately hotel with her pounding on his back. She did not go quietly. “You beast!” she screamed, but no one heard her over the roar of the rivalry and celebration.

  In spite of winter and snow in a large portion of the United States, the evening in Huntington Beach was what one might describe as balmy and comfortable in California. The full moon was high in the sky creating a shiny sparkling path down the ocean as the waves rippled and the red tide created a neon glow in the water. The stars looked like sprinkles of fairy dust mixed with glittering confetti as they twinkled high above in the midnight blue sky. It was a romantic sight except the recipients of the view were not feeling very romantic. Not that that couldn’t be changed with a little “sweet talkin’” from Quinn’s point of thinking.

  Quinn found the nearest white tent cabana overlooking the ocean that was not occupied. He dumped Lily on the closest reclining chair covered with an off white soft reclining cushion. A miniature tea candle fluttered on the small table between the recliner on the other side. It gave out just enough light that he could see Lily was rubbing her temples.

  A concerned Quinn had to ask, didn’t he, “Are you all right?”

  “No, I am not all right! You have successfully given me a splitting headache by dangling me upside down like I was a sack of potatoes!” Lily snapped.

  All righty then, there will be no sex tonight.

  By this time, Quinn was feeling a little frustrated himself. So, he let his pecker do the talking, which is never a good idea because a pecker has no filter. “Well, maybe it was all that loitering around on the grand piano exposing your tits and teasing every male with your crotch as you humped the piano.” Big mistake. As soon as the words flew out of his mouth on their own accord, he knew he was in trouble. He was not wrong.

  Lily was stunned into silence, but it didn’t last long.


  OK, he deserved that!

  Now, Lily really was sprouting anger with her red hair resembling the top of volcano as she flowed with exploding red hot lava and rightly so. She was outraged! She knelt on her knees of the recliner, “You son of apes! Now, I know for sure you belong in a zoo! I don’t know why you’ve been running around lose this long!” she shrieked and started to get up.

  Lily’s gown hindered her, tangling around her ankles just long enough for Quinn to throw himself on top of her – sort of like throwing himself on the mercy of the court. It was a good thing the band was playing loudly and the ocean was drowning out the screaming match or the police might have been called.

  “Get off of me! I hate you!” she yelled and beat at his chest before he could grab her hands and subdue her. He knew she was mad enough to put a “hit” out on him. His sisters would probably agree that it was a good idea.

  “Lily, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,” actually he did, he just wasn’t so dimwitted as to admit that he did.

  Lily started to cry.

  Now, Quinn really did feel like a heel, “Oh hell, Lily,” he said as he gathered her in his arms.

  It was like holding a limp rag doll, which was a whole lot worse than the physical struggle a few moments ago. Not that he could blame her. He knew how to deal with physical much better than emotion. He just didn’t know quite what to do with this kind of woman. He hated tears. Even his sisters had figured that out a long time ago. It was a weapon that they could turn on and off at will. But, he wasn’t about to lose this particular battle that he had created pretty much all by himself. That’s what soldiers did, wasn’t it – win wars? He tried to figure out a strategy – best to punt and see what happens.

  Quinn held Lily for a few minutes before he spoke trying to be honest and explain himself without looking like a total wimp. “Lily, I’ve wanted you since you were sixteen. Remember that day on the beach after the accident when I kissed you and held you in my arms? That is a memory I have played over and over for the past three years – thinking about it when I shouldn’t have been. But, Lily, you have to understand that you were a child/woman when that happened. I was a man six years older at the time and real men don’t play around with child/women. I would like to think that nothing at all would have happened that day had the circumstances been different, but the thought of you drowning made both of our emotions run high. I knew I needed to wait until you became a woman.

  “I became a woman at thirteen,” Lily snapped back!

  Quinn smiled, “You know what I mean. It wasn’t my job
to take all those fun lazy hazy days of summer and high school away from you. It was important you have those opportunities to grow and enjoy adolescence like I did, like most people do with girls and boys your own age as they make memories. It was never meant as a rejection, only a time to let you mature and become the woman you are today. Silence – his cue for a little nuzzle. Lily stiffened. OK, so maybe it wasn’t a good time for a nuzzle, but it was worth a try.

  “Just what conclusions makes you so sure I’m finally a woman, Mr. Now I’m Ready?”

  Quinn teased, “After tonight’s performance, any doubt has been erased.” OK, still not funny.

  “It’s like this, I just plain didn’t like those men drooling and ogling you with their eyes popping out of their heads.

  “Oh, and what were you doing, Mr. Perfect?”

  “Watching you and drooling with my eyes popping out – but that’s different.” he added.

  “Mmm, this is getting interesting. Would you care to explain that little comment?” she asked with more than a little saccharin sarcasm.

  Shit! How did he get himself backed into a mess again? Men can rarely keep up with woman’s verbal games. He knew better.

  “I told you a long time ago you were mine. That still stands,” he replied with all seriousness. Now was the time to close the deal with a kiss if there ever was going to be a time this evening. He sensed that Lily would be receptive. This time, he was not wrong, but he knew all was still not totally forgiven. It took another fifteen minutes of necking before she began to loosen up. Wow, did she loosen up! It was like an avalanche. Suddenly, they couldn’t get enough of each other as their hands began to roam and familiarize themselves with the others bodily curves and dips. Lily wasn’t sure what she was seeking, she just knew she didn’t seem to be getting enough and had no intention of getting left out of whatever “it” was. She felt like she was floating right out of her body with Quinn’s, up there with all the stars of the universe. It seemed like nothing could bring them back to earth again. Then, it happened.

  Quinn had just pulled Lily’s nightgown dress top down, exposing her breasts to the soft light and cool ocean breeze. The touch of his hand made Lily rise up with wonder, asking silently and seeking more. It was just starting to get hot and steamy. Quinn was laying partially on top of her with his cell still in his front pocket. Suddenly, they were zapped by his vibrating Smart Phone, which wasn’t that smart or it never would have chosen that particular moment to do its thing. Lily squealed. Quinn cursed.

  “I have to take this. It’s my commanding officer,” he said in a business tone as he sat up and flipped open his phone like he was sitting at his office desk in the middle of the day or putting on his tie.

  Lily shot up as well, pulling the straps of her dress up as fast as if her father were standing over them. Quinn watched solemnly as he spoke to his commander. She scrambled to her feet, but not before Quinn, hoping to detain her departure, grabbed a handful of the flimsy dress, ripping it farther.

  “Let me go!” she shouted and then threw over her shoulder obviously mad as hell, “Next time, don’t come back until you can finish what you started!”

  “Am I interrupting something?” asked his superior in all innocence into Quinn’s ear, like he hadn’t heard a bit of the conversation as he muffled his chuckle.

  “No, Sir!” Quinn replied.

  Quinn watched with frustration as Lily gathered the pieces of her torn gown around her cute little butt that he had been fondling moments ago and disappeared in the direction of the hotel down the beach into the darkness. He followed her as he spoke on the phone to his commanding officer making sure she got back to the hotel safely.


  Lily was just as frustrated as Quinn. She had waited a long time for that special evening with her dream guy and she felt dumped all over again. It should have been a memorable night. Damn him! Damn the stupid SEALS! If it had been a western, her guns would have been blazing and he would have been lying horizontal on the dusty street in Dodge at high noon. “That I should be so lucky,” she muttered to herself.

  Lily started to go into the hotel, but when she got in the light from the establishments doorway, she looked down at herself. She realized that one boob was dangling in limbo due to a broken strap. The rip she’d heard as Quinn grabbed her dress was the front split of her dress going higher. Now, it really was up to her crotch. Even both of her black high top nylons had a rip and a run.

  Lily had no intention of being the object of speculation by appearing half-naked and going back into the party. Although, it would serve Quinn right for her to do another episode on the piano top right about now. She detoured back down the beach toward the Slater home. It was not the smartest walk to be taking in the middle of the night by herself wearing very little. But, young women do not always use the best judgment – creeps are always lurking in the shadows. That night was no exception. She got lucky. By the time the lurker spotted Lily, she was already going in the front door of the house. Fortunately, Lily had the presence of mind to secure the house and set the alarm before going upstairs and retiring to bed. It probably saved her life.

  The perpetrator waited until he saw a bedroom light go on upstairs, identifying where the woman in the white evening gown would be laying in her bed waiting for him. It made him excited and aggressive. He tried the front door and circled the premises hoping to find a door or window unlocked. He looked up at the balcony, but the doors were sealed. He was not fortuitous in finding an opening and Lily was a lucky lady that night. She never knew. Before he left, he blew a kiss in her direction and whispered, “I’ll be back, now that I know where you live.” It never happened, but only because he was caught and thrown in jail for a life sentence a few weeks later.

  The “perp” returned to the hotel to watch the revelers, but there was just way too much security and way too risky to take a chance on nabbing someone. He got in his junky car and left the area looking for prey in another part of Los Angeles. He was a patient person. They always are as they enjoy the thrill of the hunt as much as the actual kill. Hours before the morning sun came up, he found what he was seeking. A young woman’s body was found washed up on Long Beach early morning by a retired couple taking their morning stroll.

  Lily crawled into bed after dumping her ripped dress and snagged nylons in the middle of the carpet of the guest bedroom that used to be Quinn’s, which just added insult to injury oblivious to how close she was to being raped and murdered. After leaving a message on Jade’s phone, she settled down under the covers and tried not to think about the twin’s dumb brother, but the tears fell anyway.

  The air conditioner was on since all of them left the middle of the afternoon. She normally opened her balcony door as the screen was alarmed, but not tonight. She tossed and turned only until the champagne kicked in and knocked her out. The night was bliss, the morning was hell for more than one reason.


  Lily woke up late morning to the incessant pounding of not only her head, but of Jade pounding on her bedroom door. “Lily, are you alright?” asked a concerned Jade from the other side. Lily groaned as she began to message her temples fighting a left over hangover of booze and Quinn.

  “May I come in?”

  Lily didn’t say a word, she just slowly rolled out of bed and padded over to the door unlocking it. Then, she crawled back into bed thinking about putting the silk sheet over her head, but knew Jade would not take the hint. Laying on her back, she threw one arm over her aching eyes.

  “Well, it looks as though you’ve had quite an evening,” Jade grinned. Being Miss Neat, she started to pick up Lily’s gown from off the floor. She held it up and was shocked into silence at seeing the tattered pieces.

  Lily peeked out from under her arm to see why Jade had suddenly become so still and quit talking.

  “Lily, what happened here?” she asked in a quiet concerned tone as she held up the remnant of what used to be the Rita Hayworth white satin dress.<
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  Between the left over booze and the reminder of the disastrous night with Quinn, Lily’s eyes flooded with tears and she began to cry all over again.

  Jade dropped the dress and went over to sit on the bed putting her arms around Lily trying to comfort her. She couldn’t help but notice that Lily’s blue satin pillow was stained with mascara indicating how she had spent the night. All Lily could think about was that it was the wrong sibling’s arms around her and she began to cry harder.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Lily shook her head.

  “Were you raped? Do you need to see a doctor?”

  Lily looked at Jade through tearful eyes, “No, why would you ask such a thing?”

  “Did someone try to hurt you? Your dress is ripped to pieces, your nylons are snagged and ruin. I see tears in everything.”

  All Lily would say is as she rolled over shutting Jade out of her vision, was, “I don’t remember,” which was so much easier than having to explain everything to Jade.

  Jade didn’t believe her for one minute, but she let it go. Studying Lily for a moment, she carefully laid the torn dress on the chair next to the fireplace. Then, she quietly left, shutting the door behind her. She couldn’t reach Jasmine to discuss her concerns with her. So, she called Quinn. Not knowing that Quinn was off on an assignment in the Middle East, she left a message: “I’m concerned about Lily. I think she might have been raped sometime during the night. Did you see her with anyone? Call me.”


  That night after Quinn thought Lily was safely back in the hotel, he finished his conversation with his commander who gave no details of his assignment except the time and place of the rendezvous to ship out. He did not see Lily take a detour down the beach to their home alone.