Forever Lovers Read online

Page 3

Quinn dozed in his chair. He woke up around midnight to check on Lily thinking that he had heard her cry out. She had kicked off the light blue satin coverlet and was all curled up in a tight little ball like she was trying to crawl inside herself. The only thing that peeked out from under the ball were her tiny toes painted a bright “teeny bopper” pink. He smiled and gently pulled the blue downy comforter over her, but she cried out again reaching for him and seeking solace. He hesitated momentarily as his heart did a double beat, but denied her not.

  Against his better judgment, Quinn crawled in bed with Lily. He knew it was a mistake the minute she wrapped her arms around his waist and glued her chest to his. The feel of her warm ample breasts squished up against his with only a soft cotton chemise trimmed with a touch of white lace between them, almost took his breath away. His reaction surprised him. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had an active and very sexual last weekend, but that’s all it had been. He was surprised and a little shocked that it was almost sexier holding this child/woman and not doing anything than doing the actual sexual act. He tried not to rationalize, but he told himself that part of his feelings may just be the thrill of tasting forbidden fruit that seemed to be his for the taking. But, it nagged at him that it could be more. It just might be that he had feelings for Lily that he had suppressed perhaps for a very long time – a startling realization. When he thought about losing her to the clutches of the ocean depth, he had this sudden feeling of being empty and hollow inside. He grimly realized that he never ever would have known the feeling of holding her in his arms with the euphoric feeling that she belonged there like no other.

  Quinn knew that he would never do anything to jeopardize Lily’s trust or his parents. He also realized, that he needed to do something other than think about how nice and warm Lily felt cuddled up against his body. Since counting sheep was not an option, he decided it was a good time to practice his breathing techniques for his upcoming under water SEAL testing. He found it to be more a trial of control and endurance than he could ever imagine twenty-five feet under water – concentration did not come easily nor did peaceful sleep. It was a rough and restless night.


  No shocker, Quinn’s phone started vibrating early the next morning just he knew it would. He opened one eye to see that it was five o’clock – his dad was calling. Trying not to groan, he rolled out of the warm bed disentangling his body from around Lily’s as she, too, gave a little muffled sound of protest. He looked down at her as he got up and almost crawled back in again. She lay on her back with one arm thrown out like she was reaching for him as her nipples turned to tiny points when the cool air hit them. It was a delicious sight. It made him extra annoyed that his dad had woken him up so early, but he had to admit that an interruption was a good thing under the circumstances. It was almost like his dad knew.

  Padding into the den, he immediately gave his dad a call back. It barely rang once before his dad barked, “What happened to Lily?”

  Quinn didn’t resent the inquisition as he knew his dad was just concerned about Lily. It was a legitimate concern. “She got into trouble when she was surfing. A wave was strong and the tow took her under.”

  Troy digested that a moment. “Is she all right?”

  “Yeah, a little shook-up, but fine. It was a nasty scare for all of us. One that none of us are likely to forget too soon and hope is never repeated.”

  Troy had to ask for his own piece of mind; although, he knew his son was extremely responsible, “Where the hell were you when all this was happening?”

  “Fortunately, I was in nearby water. A rogue wave came out of nowhere.” Quinn decided to just state the facts. The reason she was in the rough water was just speculation on his sibling’s part. If there were more to the story, Lily would have to be the one to tell it.

  “I see,” Troy replied sensing there was more that was not being said. “Does she need to go to the hospital or checked out by a doctor? You know her parents are going to be really concerned.”

  “I don’t think so, but why don’t you have Uncle Luke give me a call around ten, Pacific Coast Time. I’ll fill him in on any details. If Lily isn’t awake by that time, I’ll wake her.” No surprise, the phone started ringing fifteen minutes later – it was Uncle Luke. Fortunately, he’d had his morning cup of coffee by that time. He was ready for the inquisition that followed.

  After another fifteen minutes of Uncle Luke throwing question after question at him, he apparently was somewhat satisfied. “Just make sure Lily calls me the moment she opens her eyelids!”

  “Yes, Sir.” Quinn replied as the other end of the phone clicked.


  Quinn looked in on Lily around eight o’clock. She was still in bed, but her eyes were open and she was staring up at the ceiling with a blank vacant hunted look.

  “Lily?” she turned her head. Quinn gave her a little smile and walked over to the bed sitting down next to her. “How are you doing?’


  “Are you “fine” enough to talk to your dad? He’s called four times since five this morning, wanting to know if you’re all right.”

  Lily smiled weakly, “Then, I guess I’d better give him a call.”

  Quinn handed her cell phone to her and left to give her some privacy. He listened for activity in the twin’s room and concluded rightly that they were still snoozing. Then, he went downstairs to go through some of his mail left on the counter.

  When Quinn looked in on Lily again, her bed was empty. Since, he hadn’t seen her come downstairs; he stuck his head out her balcony. He could see her down at the beach just a few yards from the house. She was sitting by herself in the sand as she stared out at the calm Pacific looking very small, sad, and alone. Quinn grabbed his nearest beach shoes and headed down to join her.

  Quinn sat down beside Lily as she gazed forlornly at the rippling waves. “Everything okay?”

  Lily shook her head up and down, not looking at him. She was embarrassed that he’d had to rescue her from a near drowning, that she’d clung to him like a silly goose, that she’d kissed him in the shower no less wishing they were naked together, that she’d pulled him into her bed and those were just some of the highlights – the list just seemed to go on and on. How could she ever look at him again? Worse yet, how could he ever look at her again? As far as she was concerned, her dad couldn’t get here fast enough! She lay her head on her knees and braced herself for “The – “Dad”—Speech” wishing she had a hoodie that she could pull over her head and make Quinn disappear.

  Quinn surprised Lily by saying nothing. He just leaned back in the sand and began rubbing her shoulders hoping that some of Lily’s tension would disappear. After a few minutes, he could feel her shoulders begin to droop. He knew he had accomplished his mission. In the process, however, a pretty bubblegum pink bra strap slid down one shoulder from under her white sleeveless linen blouse. Without thinking, Quinn slipped it back inside the sleeve hole. It was a stupid move. He was not prepared for the weight of her breast as he lifted the strap onto her shoulder. It felt like he was holding her naked breast in his naked hand. It was overwhelming, as if he were touching her. She must have felt the tug as well, because she turned her head and was looking at him funny – like she was trying to figure out a puzzle she couldn’t understand.

  Quinn thought to himself, This is not smart. He stood up and offered his hand to help pull Lily to her feet. “Let’s walk.” Lily placed her hand in his. He did not let go of her hand once she was“ standing. They walked that way in silence for some time down the beach looking like lovers, neither of them wanting to break the thin thread of closeness. It felt good and right to both of them.

  It was Sunday morning and the beach was not overly crowded as the sky was overcast again and the breeze was slightly cool as it skimmed off the top of the ocean. Oil derricks stood solemnly in the distance water, pumping away twenty four seven. The waves rolled continuously onto the beach leaving its usual debris of brown
ish seaweed and broken seashells before receding back to the ocean depths and back again like a rocking horse that never stopped. The seagulls were circling and the sand pipers were busy searching for a prized meal. It was a typical day on the beach, but, for Lily and Quinn, there was nothing typical about that morning.

  As Lily and Quinn strolled hand in hand down the edge of the wet surf, it no longer was a smooth terrain as they began to run out of the sandy beach. It was beginning to become a little rocky beneath their feet, which was also another reason that this area of the beach was void of people that day. There were looming rock formations up ahead. Rocks that Quinn and the twins had played upon when they were children. Quinn led them in that direction thinking it might be a good place to climb and get his mind off of other things. It didn’t work out that way.

  The rock formation kind of twisted and turned. Lily and Quinn followed the path that they led and soon found themselves engulfed in their own private world, cut off from the vision of other beach combers should they be taking an early morning walk in their direction. They could no longer see the ocean, but they could still hear the splashing surf reminding them that the ocean was still there. As they reached an obvious secluded spot that was protected from the wind, Quinn instinctively backed Lily up against a smooth slab. She looked up at him questioningly not totaling understanding what he wanted or what was expected. He on the other hand, knew exactly what he wanted.

  Quinn started out just silently asking for a little harmless kiss he told himself. The moment their lips met, however, things immediately blossomed out of control. His desire begin to quickly fester and get the best of him as his hand of its own accord reached for the snap of Lily’s jean shorts. His hand dipped inside the edge of Lily’s bikini panties running his forefinger along the elastic edge. She gasped, clinging to his shoulders letting him do whatever. Quinn took a step back, finally listening to the warning of bells and whistles going off inside his head before he took it any farther. He rested his elbows on the rock behind Lily’s head, breathing deeply, trying to get control of his emotions.

  Quinn was shocked how things had escalated to such unbelievable velocity. He was the adult here. It was his responsibility to stop. He finally did, but not before he leaned into Lily’s beckoning womanly body again, whispering in her ear, “Just feel what you do to me, Lily.” making sure she understood.

  Quinn touched his forehead to Lily’s, inhaling deeply as he got a whiff of her strawberry essence and fought for control. Looking down, he started snapping up her shorts catching a glimpse of her pink frilly bikini underwear. “You’re mine. You always have been. Don’t ever forget it!” He hugged her and started pulling a shocked Lily, who was still trying to digest the declaration she had just heard, out from behind the rocks before he changed his mind and made love to her in their private hide-away the rest of the morning and afternoon.


  Luke was beside himself. If it hadn’t been for Platinum’s calming presence he would have jumped in his private Cessna at the Kansas City hanger before Lily called him. He began to pace until the phone finally rang. Even speaking to Lily did very little to console his fears. By lunch, he had worked himself in such a twit that he was flying west before food could be put on the table for lunch. He needed to reassure himself that his little Lily was all right – and that was all there was to it!

  Luke arrived in Huntington late afternoon. Luke’s presence was unannounced as he came storming into the Slater home like he was ready for battle. He only calmed down after holding and checking Lily out for himself making sure she was not suffering any aftermath of trauma. He stayed long enough to have a ham sandwich, only because Quinn was at the time in the middle of making one for himself. Lily declined. Her tummy was full of just too many butterflies to munch on anything. Luke gave his thanks and appreciation to Quinn, which had he known how they’d spent the morning would have at the very least given him a sock on the jaw followed by a black eye and that would have been after the castration. Some things are just better that a father doesn’t know.

  The twins were up by that time, conversing with Lily before she left. They were disappointed that she wasn’t staying longer, but they promised they’d come for a visit to Kansas City later on that summer. “I’ll teach you how to ride horses. We’ll do a barbeque, too.” Lily added. After kisses and hugs all around, Lily and her dad departed and headed for home. Quinn watched Lily’s behind swaying back and forth until it disappeared from his view.

  Luke soon had Lily loaded in the passenger seat of his twin engine. They were back in Kansas City by night fall, a much calmer Daddy by then – and a much different Lily as she contemplated the events of the last forty-eight hours. She was feeling the subtle awakening of becoming a woman – that time when you no longer see things through the eyes of an adolescent, a time to dream of your first love.

  Luke noticed the subtle change in Lily. He was concerned and mentioned that fact to Platinum. She assured him that a near death experience would subdue anyone. Luke wasn’t so sure. It made him a little edgy.

  Later that evening, back in Huntington, a very perceptive and always the romantic, Jade, said to her twin, Jasmine, “Do you think Lily and Quinn have a thing?”

  “What kind of a thing?” Jasmine asked totally clueless.

  “You know, like they might kind of be developing an interest in each other.”

  “You mean like a romance?”

  Jade nodded her head up and down with enthusiasm as she warmed to a possible secret.

  Ever practical Jasmine’s reply was, “Not a chance, besides he’s too OLD!” — spoken like a true sister, thank you very much.


  Lily hardly heard from Quinn after her near drowning experience. She had emailed him a couple of times, but rarely got a response. Disappointed, she went on with her own life as she was supposed to do.

  Lily had gotten her own horse when she turned sixteen while her friends got cars. She was thrilled and not a bit disappointed as she knew she could always get rides with her girlfriends if she needed one. Besides, she was promised any kind of car within reason after she graduated from high school. Lily knew her Daddy would indulge and it would not be a problem. She could always barrow mom’s car when she turned seventeen.

  Lily immediately had fallen in love with her new little filly and vice versus. She was with her every minute that she wasn’t in school. She brushed her coat, fed her oats, braided her tail, taught her tricks, and exercised her daily. They were like the wind, blending into their surrounding with every step and gallop they took together. They were pals – inseparable. They were the darlings of Benjamin Stables.

  The stable hands always said Lily was spoiling her little Hot Pants filly. What’s the matter with being spoiled?” she’d often joked back with spunk when teased by the stable hands. So far, no one could back with a really good answer.

  Unfortunately, between attending an all-girls school most of her life and teaching Hot Pants to barrel race, it gave her little contact with the neighboring school boys. As Lily had gotten older she had continue to spend a lot of time at the stables while most of her friends were dating and learning about the opposite sex in subtle and not so subtle ways. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing that she didn’t spend much time with the opposite sex, but she was definitely lacking in that part of her education. She was happy and felt nothing was missing in her life except maybe, Quinn. She considered the old stable hands her extended family. It was fortunate that most of them felt the same and watched over her; especially, when she was in the barn grooming Hot Pants by herself. They never left her alone in the barn. One of them always managed to grab a pitch fork to bale the hay or oats for the horses. It was just an unvoiced rule of the stable guys that were nearby. They knew their actions kept some of the young bucks away, which was their intentions for more than one reason.

  After about a year, Lily decided that she wanted Hot Pants to barrel race for competition. She was a quick lear
ner as the sorrel filly had had some training in rounding up cattle before she was Lily’s birthday present. So, stopping and turning on a dime came natural to her little sorrel. She loved it as much as Lily. It was mutually delightful and fun for both of them.

  Today, was the Fourth of July and a rodeo celebration was in nearly every small town in the United States of America. The streets were decorated in red, white, and blue banners that wrapped around every lamp post while bunting was draped across the top of every porch and business in the town, signifying Independence Day. The American flag waved from the window of all the store fronts seeming to salute to all the service men and women they saw.

  Everyone across each state was having parades consisting of fire engines, local bands, politicians, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA acrobats, and floats from DAR that symbolized its American history. Colorful Shriner clowns in motorized mini cars always entertained the crowd as they raced around pretending to chase each other. They were always a big hit. The riding club in their western gear with saddles of silver tooling decorated the beautiful strutting horses were always highly admired and a highlight of the parade as well.

  This year, leading the parade was Lily, Queen of the Kansas State Rodeo. She was dressed totally in white western gear trimmed in gold and silver, riding Hot Pants. Hot Pants was trimmed in silver as well, which turned out to be far more expensive than if she had settled for a car in the first place. Peeking out from under the white hat was her mahogany red hair that curled half way down her back. She held the American flag in her right hand and waved with the other as she guided Hot Pants with her knees. She was an awesome sight. (Take that, Mr. Quinn!)

  Bringing up the rear of the parade were two police escorts dressed in black on mighty fine black Harley motorcycles. With their sunglasses and helmets pulled low, they looked like they meant business.